Issue 17.1
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New things are coming!

After quite a bit of planning, testing, and replanning, we will be launching a new version of the website within the net couple months. We hope to re-engage our readers,

Halcyon Panacea

by Amanda C. R. Clark with Sophia Du Val Halcyon Panacea hal·cy·on| ˈhalsēən | adjective denoting a period of time in the past that was idyllically happy and peaceful pan·a·ce·a| ˌpanəˈsēə | noun a solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases doing okay strange and


by Sara Whitestone January 21 “Well, Mom, it’s been 14 days, and Zhi and I have no symptoms,” my daughter tells me over the phone. This is the first I

Make it New: Discomfort Zones

by Ann Marie Bausch I must confess:  just the idea of writing about discomfort made me, well, uncomfortable.  We live in a frightening world. Many of us walk our days

Make It New: Unresolved

by Susannah Brister Proverbs 13:12 “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but desire fulfilled is a tree of life.” I have always hated New Year’s resolutions. Every year I faced January

