R&S Contributor Notes

Applauding Forever

These shifts of the perceived subject happen frequently throughout the poem, and cause me as a reader to reread previous lines differently due to the knowledge gained from later lines.

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Art and Faith

12.2 Contributor Notes

With a poem, faith is a hidden constellation, beginning with the still-mysterious act of writing. The blank page, which is simultaneously white and dark, is the abyss each writer stares into until the moment, as Nietzsche said, where the abyss stares back into the writer.

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11.2 Cover

11.2 Contributor Notes: Part Two

When we reach out in words, where we’re safe, we prepare to cross a boundary with respect at our next opportunity. We prepare to offer the comfort we weren’t able or brave enough to offer when our last chance arose.

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11.2 Cover

Contributor Notes: 11.2

hese poems are my way of honoring the mysteries of the natural world—weather, geology, our human impermanence—using metaphor and image, rhythm and form to understand our roles in such an intricate system.

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beauty and art

Reaching Out to Beauty

What can I offer them? What can I write to them when their fears and questions—along with mine—are so loud in our ears?

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Barbara Haas

Contributor Notes: 8.2

We ask our contributing authors to consider the role of faith in their work, or in the pieces in our issue. It adds some depth

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Contributor Notes: 8.1

We ask our contributing authors to consider the role of faith in their work, or in the pieces in our issue. It adds some depth

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Contributor Notes

We ask our contributing authors to consider the role of faith in their work, or in the pieces in our issue. It adds some depth

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