R&S Inspiration

Amanda C.R. Clark

There’s Nothing More Autumnal Than Books and Rain

“If the trend toward bureaucratization and mechanization continues, I predict a revolution, not by librarians, but by readers—townspeople, students, and teachers—those who use the library in their need for knowledge and delight, who think of the library as a kind of temple, and who sicken of social scientists and personal psychologists of documentalists and gadgeteers, in places of power.”

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chamber opera

The Example of Romero

by Kenneth L. Field If someday they take the radio station away from us, if they close down our newspaper, if they silence us, if

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Filling the Cracks with Gold

by Polly Hollar Pauley I recently read that Japanese ceramic artists think that an item that has suffered damage becomes more beautiful, and that when

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Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis

Solvitur Ambulando

by Laura Reber Her prophecy seemed a bit dramatic, but I noted it in my journal anyway, as Lord knows I needed some help with

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Barbara Brown Taylor

A Tent in the Wilderness

by Karissa Knox Sorrell I live in a world where people pitch tents all time. I see them in their tents every day on Facebook,

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Dancing for Joy

Dancing For Joy

by Shannon McKee I’m not sure when it was that I stopped dancing. Not with a company or with a performance group or in clubs,

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Morgan C. Feddes

To Build A Church

by Morgan C. Feddes church \‘chərch\ n. 1 : a building for public and especially Christian worship 2 : the clergy or officialdom of a

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On His Seventh Birthday

by Polly Hollar Pauley On my son’s seventh birthday this summer, we breakfasted out, per his request, and then spent five hours at a local

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Being Born Again

by T. J. Pancake I took freshman-year health class as a sophomore in high school. It’s mostly about sex, which you would think 15-year-olds would

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Learning From the Ants

by Kathryn Smith Beneath my patio, a silent upheaval. Silent to me, though the ants hear it in their own way, a vibration humming their

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body/soul faith

Prayer is a Thing With Wings

by Karissa Knox Sorrell I walked down to the church kitchen to make a cup of instant coffee, piling in sugar and chalky powdered cream.

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Desmond Tutu

Writer’s Ink: Ubuntu

            by Patricia Bruininks   On my right shoulder blade. At the Missing Piece studio.   These are two answers

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FIFA World Cup

Quadrennial Secular Religion

by Katherine Karr-Cornejo Every four years I’m drawn back in to something that I love that makes me feel ecstatic and heartbroken. There’s an emotional

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body image

The Body, Revisited

by Kelli Hennessey I have always been heavy. I don’t remember a time when I wasn’t extremely aware of the limits of my body. I

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church office manager

The Faces of the Church

by Lauren Michelle Major Have you ever walked in church alone? Have you paced the aisles of pews in the dark, walked the back hallways,

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Gratitude As A Gateway Emotion

by Patricia Bruininks Hope. Peace. Joy.  These words are ubiquitous this time of year.  Their meaning is fundamental to the story of Christ’s birth, and they

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cautionary tales about power tools

On Scars and Their Stories

by the Rev. Martin Elfert The scar runs up my forehead, starting just above my right eyebrow. Perhaps half an inch wide at the bottom,

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Love At First Sight

by Jenny Brown For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. The Spirit you received does not make you

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1970s psychology

In My Father’s Library

by Jackie Wallace My dad has this library. It’s mostly history books, and books on various religions. He has a whole corner of the room

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On First Transgressions

by Jacquelyn Wheeler I was at Grandie and Poppa’s house, its weird guest room with the rainbow bed spread, the baseball lamp, the plaques on

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Ark Press

Midnight Orchard

by Nathan Hauke I’m given to write poems. I cannot anticipate their occasion —R Creeley, A Quick Graph It’s December already and the windows are

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