R&S Jeremiah Webster

Ninety Years Post-Wasteland

by Jeremiah Webster If Madame Sosostris shuffled her “wicked pack of cards” today, would there be the hanged man, the “lady of situations,” the great

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Pretty Vacant

Jeremiah Webster “We’re so pretty, oh so pretty, vacant.” – The Sex Pistols We had driven past midnight and needed sleep. The last four exits

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 Jeremiah Webster – noun ( /ˌænəɡˈnɒrɨsɨs/; Ancient Greek: ἀναγνώρισις) the moment in a play or other work when a character makes a critical discovery. “What is

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Here There Be Giants

Jeremiah Webster Last year I drove a friend from out of town (Midwest kindred sort) along a road that ran parallel with the Cascade Mountain

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