R&S Blog


Being Born Again

by T. J. Pancake I took freshman-year health class as a sophomore in high school. It’s mostly about sex, which you would think 15-year-olds would

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Learning From the Ants

by Kathryn Smith Beneath my patio, a silent upheaval. Silent to me, though the ants hear it in their own way, a vibration humming their

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John Green

Living In the Shadow

by Pierrette Stukes   These two teenage, giggling girls kept appearing before me. In the ticket line, as my husband and I bought our movie passes,

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body/soul faith

Prayer is a Thing With Wings

by Karissa Knox Sorrell I walked down to the church kitchen to make a cup of instant coffee, piling in sugar and chalky powdered cream.

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intercultural marriage

Marking the Color Trail

by Patrice Gopo I. Spin, I hear my thoughts say. Spin. And so I do. My right foot steps away from my left, and I am

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Desmond Tutu

Writer’s Ink: Ubuntu

            by Patricia Bruininks   On my right shoulder blade. At the Missing Piece studio.   These are two answers

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A Little Yes

A Letter To Ants

by Heather Caliri Dear Ants, I swore I wouldn’t use poison. The kids, you know? Also, the smell of the spray gives me the heebie-jeebies.

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FIFA World Cup

Quadrennial Secular Religion

by Katherine Karr-Cornejo Every four years I’m drawn back in to something that I love that makes me feel ecstatic and heartbroken. There’s an emotional

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advice for a young niece

Letter To A New Niece

by Annie Stillar Dear Callie, Happy birthday. This is your auntie. You have several, but I’m the funny one. I love fish tacos and eyebrow

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R&S Seeks Rad Bloggers

Rock & Sling is on the lookout for correspondents who’ll bear witness to this world–its art, music, books, politics, faith, doubt–and blog about it right here. To

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Maya Angelou

On Isla Vista and Maya Angelou

by Rafaela Acevedo-Field Between the UC Santa Barbara shootings and the passing of Maya Angelou, these past few days have  been tough. When I read about Maya

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body image

The Body, Revisited

by Kelli Hennessey I have always been heavy. I don’t remember a time when I wasn’t extremely aware of the limits of my body. I

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church office manager

The Faces of the Church

by Lauren Michelle Major Have you ever walked in church alone? Have you paced the aisles of pews in the dark, walked the back hallways,

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middle school humor

Pinterest Tells All

by Miranda Cloyd Board: Unashamedly Laughed At This. Status: Public. Pins: 214. Analysis: You like to laugh. You’re easily entertained by well-timed pictures of animals

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Our AWP events:

Stop and see us at table P24 in the bookfair. Freebie broadsides, poetry singles, buttons, back issues, and more. Plus t-shirts and issue 9.1, featuring

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church shopping

Shopping on Sunday

by Stacy Keogh I’m not much of a shopper. Mother worked in retail for most of my childhood and insisted I keep an eye out

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Deep Greens And Blues

by the Rev. Liv Larson Andrews Advent is here. For most, however, these weeks of December are not a separate season but are already Christmas.

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Gratitude As A Gateway Emotion

by Patricia Bruininks Hope. Peace. Joy.  These words are ubiquitous this time of year.  Their meaning is fundamental to the story of Christ’s birth, and they

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Crater Lake

Running Water

by Judith Shadford My response to running water is instinctive, right up there with my response to Wagner, Rachmaninoff, Charles Villiers Stanford, Harry Potter, David

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Costa Rica

Whose Word Is “Shalom”?

by Maggie Montague Shalom was how my grandfather greeted us as my family was ushered through the door of his 300 square foot apartment in

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Barbara Haas

Contributor Notes: 8.2

We ask our contributing authors to consider the role of faith in their work, or in the pieces in our issue. It adds some depth

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cautionary tales about power tools

On Scars and Their Stories

by the Rev. Martin Elfert The scar runs up my forehead, starting just above my right eyebrow. Perhaps half an inch wide at the bottom,

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Love At First Sight

by Jenny Brown For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. The Spirit you received does not make you

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a pastor's role

The Pastor On The Ladder

by Kellan Day Go my children with my blessing, never alone. Waking, sleeping, I am with you; You are my own. This one line of

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false listening

Learning To Listen

by Gregg Brekke Listening has consequences. A number of years ago, I was teaching in Micronesia. One day, Noah, the principal of our high school,

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Chicano English

Language Patrol

by Gregg Brekke We tend to think that popular people such as Peter Jennings and Justin Bieber are friendly, international-border crossers. We ignore the OH

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Jeff Dodd

An Interview with Jeff Dodd

John Taylor is an R&S editorial assistant and recent Whitworth grad. He interviewed contributor Jeff Dodd. John Taylor : You’ve said that much of your

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1970s psychology

In My Father’s Library

by Jackie Wallace My dad has this library. It’s mostly history books, and books on various religions. He has a whole corner of the room

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On First Transgressions

by Jacquelyn Wheeler I was at Grandie and Poppa’s house, its weird guest room with the rainbow bed spread, the baseball lamp, the plaques on

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Contributor Notes: 8.1

We ask our contributing authors to consider the role of faith in their work, or in the pieces in our issue. It adds some depth

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Ark Press

Midnight Orchard

by Nathan Hauke I’m given to write poems. I cannot anticipate their occasion —R Creeley, A Quick Graph It’s December already and the windows are

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Issue 8.1 cometh

We have most of the content settled for issue 8.1. The issue will be something of a theme issue, featuring work from some of the

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Ninety Years Post-Wasteland

by Jeremiah Webster If Madame Sosostris shuffled her “wicked pack of cards” today, would there be the hanged man, the “lady of situations,” the great

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7.2 is en route

With delivery scheduled for Monday, here’s another look into the coming issue. Artist’s statement by Emelie Ånskog How I breathe I was in London and

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To our new friends

If you signed up for our mailing list, or just picked up complimentary copies of our most recent issues at the Festival of Faith and

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A Rock & Sling Fundraiser

We’ll be hosting a poetry salon with Laurie Lamon and Nance Van Winckel at the Community Building in downtown Spokane at the end of April.

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Schliemann in Seattle

Jeremiah Webster In 1858, Heinrich Schliemann (retired at thirty-six after success as a military contractor) set out to discover the walls of Troy that he

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Seven Ways of Looking at AWP

Cherise Hensley III. The Association of Writers and Writing Programs Conference, or AWP, is a game-changer for any student even remotely interested in publishing. I

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Pretty Vacant

Jeremiah Webster “We’re so pretty, oh so pretty, vacant.” – The Sex Pistols We had driven past midnight and needed sleep. The last four exits

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Now at the printer: Issue 7.1

featuring work from: Tara Ballard Michele Burkey Jackson Culpepper Kristin George Michael Gray Matthew E. Henry Adam Hughes Jeremy B. Jones Laurie Klein Alyse Knorr

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Advent Four

Kathryn Smith Ours is a God who lives in every sort of dwelling, with every sort of person, whether we live in a house or

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Advent Three

Kathryn Smith There are plenty of places in our West Central neighborhood for Isaiah’s prophecy to take hold. Who are the captives? What devastations –

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Advent Two

Kathryn Smith What does it mean, in the year 2011, in an urban setting, to prepare the way of the Lord? What if a neighbor’s

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Advent One

Kathryn Smith What struck me about today’s gospel—in addition to the ominous imagery—is that notion that the Lord’s coming will surely happen at night. So

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What We Dread Most

Morgan Feddes The end of the year is notorious for many things. Among them: Stress. Top [insert number here] Lists of the holiday season. Late

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Advent Comes Out Swinging

 Joshua Robbins As we enter Advent’s home stretch, I’ve found myself wishing the season’s anticipation would feel…well, more sublime. But, then again, I wonder if

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Kristina Pfleegor Jeremiah 31:21 A little girl climbing a tree falls on her back, lungs jarred. The sky is a darting school of minnows. The

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Pushcart Prize nominations

Rock & Sling is pleased to announce its nominations for the 2011 Pushcart Prize “To the Reverend Arnold Kenseth” by Ray Amorosi (issue 6.1) “Day

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Maybe the Next Game

Joseph Edwin Haeger “He’s the most intimidating pitcher in the history of baseball.” “Because of the beard?” “Well, that helps. Would you want to go

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 Jeremiah Webster – noun ( /ˌænəɡˈnɒrɨsɨs/; Ancient Greek: ἀναγνώρισις) the moment in a play or other work when a character makes a critical discovery. “What is

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Dead for the Neighbors

Kristina Pfleegor Every six weeks or so, instead of going to a Sunday-morning service, the members of my church do some kind of activity to

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They Live, We Sleep

The Occupy Wall Street mentality is nothing new. Brian C. Baer I was lucky enough to catch a screening of John Carpenter’s cult classic They

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Sarah Vowell Live

Looking for something to do with the remainder of your weekend? Whelp, good luck. But when that long and glorious weekend reaches an end and

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Here There Be Giants

Jeremiah Webster Last year I drove a friend from out of town (Midwest kindred sort) along a road that ran parallel with the Cascade Mountain

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by Brian C. Baer In Rapid City, the man turns to Bridget, the twenty-something in the plastic seat next to him. “You know,” he tells

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In Praise of Blackberries

by Jeremiah Webster My two year old son has a Radio Flyer scooter: classic red with streamers that blow in the breeze with near-patriotic flair.

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We hear, our ears, we are.

Ben Everett Music. Music is bound within a web of outside influences which brand themselves onto each song we listen to. In essence, music is

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Lighting Up

by Sarah Glady See. You’re 16. You live in Phoenix. And you’re in love with lighters. Well, more or less. All your friends are lighting

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Let It Be In Blood

by Jacquelyn Wheeler In a sermon series about spiritual revival, John Mark Comer preached a sermon called, “Born After Midnight,” in which he asserted that

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Issue 6.2 takes shape

It seems we’ve been sluggardly here on the R&S blog, but I assure you such is not the case. The new issue is coming together,

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Contributor Notes

We ask our contributing authors to consider the role of faith in their work, or in the pieces in our issue. It adds some depth

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Winter 2011 Issue

The new issue is at the printer, and should be in our hands soon, and then in our subscribers hands, and on news stands around

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Some Questions for God

by Mary McGinnis Are you the transparent look of First Woman waking? Are you First Man’s  thick and awkward tongue? Are you water of mistakes?

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Timothy and Mary

By Kyle Broeckel Timothy and Mary live beneath the overpass five minutes from my house. A little-used bike path runs alongside Escondido’s drainage canal, then

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Vigil, with Tarantino

by Claire LePage I watched Kill Bill while waiting for my grandpa to die last week. I wanted to watch A River Runs Through It,

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Honky-Tonk Bride

by Sarah Wells Jesus is dancing like no one is watching his partner. He smiles and twirls a girl in a satiny top and high

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by Jeremy Huggins When I was a child, I went fishing with two friends and their fathers. My father came along. I said that I

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Chasing Mary: The Grotto

by Nicole Sheets This essay is part of a work in progress about my relationship with the Blessed Virgin Mary and her iconography, superpowers, and

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The First Night

by Linda Annas Ferguson He took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh at that place. Genesis 2:21 As we lie side by

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Back in Business

Rock & Sling is back, and getting ready for our first issue, due out in December. We are accepting submissions, and selling subscriptions, both of

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